Friday, October 5, 2012

American's Embrace Health & Obesity Trends Sharply Decline...Really?

Recently the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention unveiled the nation's most recent survey of obesity rates in the U.S. and I have a feeling you won't believe what was found.  Over the last couple of decades childhood and adult obesity rates have skyrocketed to the point where obesity related diseases are poised to become our nation's leading cause of death and increasing health care costs to the point of utter destruction.  Recent reports however are finally showing that this trend is now reversing and American's are finally on their way to improved health and vitality.  Got your attention?  Read on. 
                In a turn of events similar September's Seattle Seahawks and Green Bay Packers controversial call, the recent shift in obesity trends towards a leaner nation has everyone scratching their heads; how did this happen?  Have American's finally woken up with a new found motivation to live a healthier lifestyle?  Well, check out these statistics and decide for yourself.  Texas, with one of the highest rates of obesity is now in the running for the quickest decline in obesity rates with many other mid-west west states following suit.  East coasters, not far behind, have created a community campaign to remind families to eat healthy, local and not skip meals.  The school districts have returned to a 5-day per week physical education program and serving health tasty lunches.  In our own neck of the woods we've managed to cut out sugary beverages, purchase most of our foods from our local farmers markets, eat out less frequently and exercise throughout the week.  Corporations have embraced work-site wellness programs, employees are spending less time sitting at their desks all leading to increased productivity, efficiency, decreased absenteeism and greater profitability.  And get this, not only is our waistline shrinking and overall health improving, new cases of diabetes and heart disease have dropped and some have reported that they no longer need medication.  And believe it or not, our mental health is only getting better as well.  Medications necessary to treat depression, anxiety and sleep disorders are the lowest they've been in years with many pointing to the increase in exercise and better nutrition as the culprit.  Some are suggesting that even families are healthier, more connected and vibrant as ever considering that families are once again sitting down for dinner each night together sans television.  American's are finally healthier than ever and are now considered a model for the rest of the world.
                Wait a minute.  Is this really happening?  It sounds too good to be true.  And, unfortunately, it is.  The above statements are not facts are nothing more than hopes and dreams for a healthier world.  The truth is that our nation is unhealthier than ever with obesity rates on the rise as usual and obesity related diseases on the brink of collapsing our health care system.  Some reports even suggest that some parents will outlive their children due to their children's poor health choices and lifestyle (modeled by the parents of course).  The real truth is that if we integrated the points in the story above into our own lifestyle we would be able to turn the corner towards a healthier America and when you think about it, living an active lifestyle, eating healthy meals as a family and being proactive with our personal health is an opportunity many people don't have.  Therefore let's take advantage of this opportunity, take personal responsibility with our own health and prove to the rest of the world that our nation is the model of health.