You’re going to know the solution to the biggest problem in your life in just 5 minutes but unfortunately you may not like hearing what I have to say. I apologize in advance but this is something that you’re going to want to consider. Anyways, sometimes a little tough love is just what we need.
There’s a problem that starts when we’re very young and the following phrases may sound familiar to you because they were familiar to me. “The other kids don’t like me.” “The other kids are smarter than me.” “The teacher just doesn’t like me.” “Everybody is just more athletic than I am.” “They grew up in a more fortunate environment.” “I don’t have the cool clothes that the other kids have.” As adults these statements may have a similar ring to them. “The other people have better contacts.” “I just don’t interview well.” “I’m not a great salesperson.” Unfortunately all of the above are simply rationalizations and here’s the problem with rationalizations.
You see I once read that a “rationalization” is simply a euphemism for the phrase, “You’ve been lying to yourself.” The problem isn’t your looks, your school or your intelligence. The issue has nothing to do with your sales ability, interview skills, clothes, genetics or athletic prowess. The simple truth boils down to initiative. If you take massive action and consistent initiative again and again you will achieve the results you’re looking for. Without consistency and action however you can’t expect anything miraculous to happen and when nothing happens, remember, don’t start rationalizing…you’re lying to yourself.
Most people won’t confront the fact that the reason they didn’t get an A on the test is because they didn’t study enough. Or the reason you didn’t get on the team is because you didn’t practice hard enough. The majority of people won’t hold themselves responsible for missing a workout because “something just came up” or “I just wasn’t feeling it today.” Having the courage to confront the fact that sometimes we are lazy will give us the motivation we need to move forward. Honestly, a healthy does of hard work, determination and consistency is the immediate cure to solve most of our lives problems.